So this is a test to make a new blog post using Elementor. Elementor is an app in WordPress. For those who care, which is nobody, you can natively add posts in WordPress. However much of the website control experience is purposefully interfered with by WordPress to constantly attempt to extort you into paying moneyContinue reading “A Bit of A Test and Other Stuff”
Author Archives: Brerpossum
Migration and Freedom
This is a test. I have been in the process of migrating from to a privately hosted website. This is definitely been a learning curve. Thankfully, even when the new version of WordPress.ORG (hereafter to be referred to as either COM or ORG), is annoying and impossible, I can actually install plugins andContinue reading “Migration and Freedom”
Some Photos, A Test
Here are some pictures. I am really in to photography, and my garden and dog provide great source material. By providing a cursory description, it will clean up the preview….
Photos, and Websites
So, I know last time I mentioned Lens Dump with the idea of testing out a couple of different image hosting sites. Well screw that. And to hell with Lens Dump. It’s totally SmugMug. There’s something to muse on a bit here. I had options when it came to how I wanted to attack thatContinue reading “Photos, and Websites”
Some Photos
I know I previously promised pictures. Well, I am experimenting with image hosts, so first let’s give Lens Dump a chance. So far, they are super easy. they are at Check em’ out! These are all pictures I have taken. As such, they are not authorized for reproduction or use without credit. I workedContinue reading “Some Photos”
Happy Fall, Y’all
So Fall is finally upon us. Here in the South, the temperature has dropped to the point where the mosquitos are actually a little more fierce. That’s right, it was too damn hot for even the mosquitos to eat. Some of the female, less-hateful-of-the-electric-company persuasion, or otherwise sane folks still are running the A/C atContinue reading “Happy Fall, Y’all”
Ad Hominem, Photos, and More
Boiler Plate I know, I know. I mentally get so fed up on the concept of blogging, then not doing it regularly enough, then feeling like I should apologize because it has been a year since I wrote anything, then wondering who I would be apologizing to, feeling silly, then realizing I am apologizing toContinue reading “Ad Hominem, Photos, and More”
Ad Hominem: “So You”
So to start off with the Ad Hominem project, I figured I would discuss one of the absolute worst commercials of all time. The following is a YouTube video. Please click and watch at your own risk. Once I find a way to not post YouTube links anymore, I will. I don’t really know whyContinue reading “Ad Hominem: “So You””
An Update is In Order
So I know I had these lofty ideas of Ad Hominem. That may still happen… Eventually. I have been a pretty busy dude lately. In January, I had begun working in a field research project that is particularly timely. In April, I took a position in a new role doing some really interesting stuff. IContinue reading “An Update is In Order”
New Project: Ad Hominem
Most evenings, when me and my girlfriend get home from work, we’ll watch a couple of shows on TV. In between segments of Jeopardy or Seinfeld or whatever we tend to sit around for the commercials. Modern commercials drive me crazy. They are so insincere, so tone deaf, so overly measured and concocted, so repetitive.Continue reading “New Project: Ad Hominem”