So last night I was browsing about looking for something. What I was looking for, I don’t remember at all. Such is life. What I found so redirected my attention that it prompted me to actually do some work on this site again. Somehow I found some of my old blogger sites, and theContinue reading “Everything That Rises Must Converge”
Category Archives: Website Administraion
Migration and Freedom
This is a test. I have been in the process of migrating from to a privately hosted website. This is definitely been a learning curve. Thankfully, even when the new version of WordPress.ORG (hereafter to be referred to as either COM or ORG), is annoying and impossible, I can actually install plugins andContinue reading “Migration and Freedom”
Photos, and Websites
So, I know last time I mentioned Lens Dump with the idea of testing out a couple of different image hosting sites. Well screw that. And to hell with Lens Dump. It’s totally SmugMug. There’s something to muse on a bit here. I had options when it came to how I wanted to attack thatContinue reading “Photos, and Websites”
An Update is In Order
So I know I had these lofty ideas of Ad Hominem. That may still happen… Eventually. I have been a pretty busy dude lately. In January, I had begun working in a field research project that is particularly timely. In April, I took a position in a new role doing some really interesting stuff. IContinue reading “An Update is In Order”
Coming Soon!
Consider this a coming attractions of posts: Classic truck maintenance on a budget: Or How I Learned That Swearing and Fussing Fixes Things. The Life and Times of a Ridiculous Beast: The Adventures of Brisby Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Electric Death The Continuing Struggle The Chronic Gardener Baseball As A Non-Pro Adult: A DiscoveryContinue reading “Coming Soon!”
So as I’ve been sitting here thinking about things to write, it strikes me that a lot of it is overly pensive or negative. Although that is definitely a decent purpose of a blog: providing a place for a writer to bitch about life; that isn’t what I really wanted to do here. I alsoContinue reading “Prompts”
Welcome to the Persimmon Tree
Welcome to the website. Here we promise subpar content at no prices. I’ll ramble from time to time about whatever comes to mind. We’ll see how that goes. The Brer Possum, Persimmon Tree, and the quote at the top of the pages is a reference to the works of Joel Chandler Harris. His work, TheContinue reading “Welcome to the Persimmon Tree”