Main Goings on…

Oh me oh my…it is quite late. For those of you who don’t know what
time this has been written (you), the time is exactly 3:00 A.M. on a
school night. All I have to say about that is “Yikes!” I’ll probably be
saying something similar yet more graphic tomorrow morning….

Other News:

1. Me, the newspaper, and a dog named Boo: (thats from a song…get it?
ha ha?) I finally finish my damned two newspaper articles and turn them
in today. Guess what happened right afterwards? I was assigned a new
article due Friday. I still don’t know what I do as a Circulation
Manager yet…

2. Wrestling: I miss it…I was going to play rugby this year, but I’ve
decided against it in favor of freestyle wrestling. I love the sport
too much to be away from it. Sadistic? Yeah, probably. Damn good fun?
You bet your ass.

3. Literature: I’m actually enjoying The Canturbury Tales by Geofferey Chauser. The man is brilliant…

4. Love Life: Totally non-existant. Thank god wrestling gives me a
reason not to have a girlfriend. I’d become a homoscidal maniac if I
had a girlfriend…There are some possibilities however. I must be
cryptic when I am in public. But,  yes, there are some
possibilities for the first time in a very long while. I just don’t
care. Loneliness is a price I’ll gladly pay for peace of mind and

5. To all yall who visit but don’t comment: Do visit the sites of the
folks who comment and give me eprops. Those are some good people right

6. To all those who visit and comment: Consider that an advertisement. Thanks for y’all’s support. It means alot!

Song Lyrics:

Intro: this is my absolute favorite song. I heard it on a record of
mine whilst going through my collection (whilst is such a cool word).

Artist: Mississippi John Hurt



Blues all on the ocean

Blues all in the air

Can’t stay here no longer

I have no steamship fare

When my earthly trials are over

Cast my body out in the sea

Save all the undertaker bill

Let the mermaids flirt with me

I do not work for pleasure

As to peace, I’ll see no more

The only reason I work at all

Is to drive the wolves from my door

When my earthly trials are over

cast my body out in the sea

Save all the undertaker bill

Let the mermaids flirt with me

My wife controls our happy home

My sweetheart I cannot find

The only thing I can call my own

Is a troubled & a worried mind

When my earthly trials are over

cast my body out in the sea

Save all the undertaker bill

Let the mermaids flirt with me

Blues all in my body

My darlin’ have forsaken me

If I ever see her face again

I have to swim across the sea

When my earthly trials are over

cast my body out in the sea

Save all the undertaker bill

Let the mermaids flirt with me

Blues all on the ocean

Blues all in the air

Can’t stay here no longer

I have no steamship fare

When my earthly trials are over

Cast my body out in the sea

Save all the undertaker bill

Let the mermaids flirt with me

And The Man Hisself:

2 thoughts on “XANGA #3

  1. number four is rather intriguing….  ha ha.

    and i do too know when you wrote this.  i was watching you.  at your window.  with a video camera.  *smiles, while looking rather sinister at the same time*

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